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We help leaders align their business culture with their market through an integrated process of culture assessment, leadership training, customer centric skills training and strategic planning.

We are the developers of the award winning Market Responsiveness IndexTM Benchmark tool, which enables executives to understand their level of customer and market centricity across the entire business.

The Leadership MRI includes the following 7 Dimensions:

1. Customer Insight: Measures behaviors related to understanding and acting on current customer needs and satisfaction.

2. Customer Foresight: Measures behaviors related to understanding future customer needs and attracting potential customers.

3. Competitor Insight: Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to current competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

4. Competitor Foresight: Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to new market entrants and potential competitors.

5. Peripheral Vision: Measures behaviors related to monitoring, understanding and responding to trends in the larger business environment.

6. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Measures behaviors related to interacting, information sharing and working cooperatively with colleagues from different work functions.

7. Strategic Alignment: Measures behaviors related to aligning work with the firm’s vision, mission, values, objectives and strategies.